








Leave me not!


Torture me by what Thou want

save sending me away from Thee.

Thou will find me the truest fond

of Thee, and pleased by what Thou see



Let Thee take the spark of soul

that Thou has left inside of me.

No good shall be in love, at all,

if love still spares the life in me.


Who could help me pining my soul

for His sake-That charming deer

The grace in Him seizes my all

mixes with lives, and gets them near.


Whoever dies in loving Him,

will live ascending day by day

among whose passions are akin.

In highest ranks they shall stay.


Glory to Allah how so sweet

His attributes are very much!

How they've ceased hearts' beat,

or made the dead alive such.


If He conceals Himself from sights,

each part of me beholds him clear

in every tranquil gentle bright

chanting that fills us with cheer.


In that sound of a tuneful lute

when it's played softly along

with that peaceful dulcet flute

united with a melodious song.



  Ibn Alfarid Verses


That was Ibn Al-Farid. While for me, I ask You, Allah, neither to  abandon nor to torture me, but rather to love, to take care and to shed Your mercy upon me...



The Poetry By Umar Ibn Al-Farid (an Arabic Sufi poet, 1235)

Poetic Translation By Salma Al-Helali

Performance: Ibn Arabi Ensemble (Morocco)

Track: Ne te tiens pas eloigne de moi

Literal Translation By Salma Al-Helali



Literal Translation



CopyRight & Designed By Salma Al-Helali